Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Virgins in Sodom (Mhandara paSodom)

Genesis 18 vs 20 and 19 vs 8

God's intention was to destroy Sodom. A city living in great sin with all kinds of evil happening there. Idolatry, homosexuality, witchcraft, fornication, adultery, murderer and every other sin you can think of. But in the midst of such wickedness was found two daughters of Righteous Lot (2 Pet2:7-8), who chose not to defile themselves with the pleasures of sin but obeyed the Word of God. They stood pure, righteous and obedient in a wicked environment. Will virgins be found in the midst of such wickedness we are experiencing in our world today? A people who are righteous, faithful, obedient to God's word, "Virgins at Heart", not willing to go with the crowd but those daring to be different. Are You a Virgin In Sodom?